Case Results

Quinn Law, P.A. Has Established A Record Of Success
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Our Case Results

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Domestic Violence and Violation of Probation

Broward Case 17-XX06MM10A

Allegations: The client contacted our office after having been arrested for a violation of probation. He was already on probation for a previous domestic violence case and was being held in custody in the Broward County Jail.

Outcome: After having the State Attorney's Office agree to not file formal charges in the new domestic violence case, the Judge agreed to dismiss the violation of probation and the client was released from custody and had his probation successfully terminated. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.



Broward Case 17-XX46MMU10A

Allegations: The client contacted our office after having been arrested for DUI following a traffic stop. The client provided a breath sample which was over the legal limit. The client is employed in a capacity which would have made a DUI conviction very problematic for him professionally. 

Outcome: After having the breath test instrument evaluated by an expert, DUI lawyer Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. was able to negotiate a resolution with the State Attorney's Office which consisted of a change of charge from DUI to Reckless Driving. This person is another of many clients of our law firm who was arrested for DUI and was able to avoid a DUI conviction. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.



Broward Case 17-XXX7MMU10A

Allegations: The client contacted our office after having been arrested for DUI following a traffic stop.  The client refused to take a breath test.  The client had been convicted of a previous DUI within the last 5 years.

Outcome: Broward DUI lawyer Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. filed a Motion to suppress the Breath Refusal because the police did not follow proper procedures which was granted by the Court. If convicted of a 2nd DUI within 2 years the client faced a minimum sanction of 10 days in jail, one year of probation and a 5 year Driver's License Refusal. Attorney Quinn was able to have the charge reduced to Reckless Driving and the client's penalty was simply to pay court costs and he of course avoided a 2nd DUI conviction. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped


Broward Case #16-XX25MU10A

Allegations: The client contacted our office after having been arrested for DUI following an accident with injuries which he was involved in. 

Outcome: Broward DUI lawyer Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. filed a Motion to Suppress evidence in the case because after investigating the case, he determined that there was no probable cause for the arrest because the arresting officer did not point to sufficient evidence of impairment before the client was placed under arrest. The County Court granted the Motion to Suppress and the State Attorney's Office then dropped the charges against the client. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Aggravated Battery

Broward Case #16-XX09CF10A

Allegations: The client was referred to our office after he was arrested for aggravated battery following an incident in his home. The client was struck in the face by and irate neighbor and he picked up a stick in order to defend himself. His attacker was injured and the client was arrested.

Outcome: Broward criminal defense attorney Antonio D. Quinn successfully argued to the court that the client was entitled to statutory immunity pursuant to Florida's Stand Your Ground law. The client was facing a mandatory jail sentence if he was convicted, however the court dismissed the charges and the client is free to move on with his life. Our office will be expunging the arrest from the client's criminal history.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped

DUI (DRUNK DRIVING) and Possession of Cannabis

Palm Beach Case #16-MMXXX294

Allegations: The client was referred to Quinn Law, P.A. after he was arrested for drunk driving (DUI) and possession of cannabis in Palm Beach County. The client is a medical professional and very much needed to keep his criminal record clean for employment.

Outcome: After successfully negotiating with the Palm Beach State Attorney's Office, all charges were dropped against the client and his criminal record was kept clean. The client was then able to resume work with his previous employer.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.



Broward Case #16-XX23MU10A

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with DUI with the arresting officer believed that he was under the influence of narcotics. 

Outcome: Attorney Quinn filed a Motion to Suppress evidence in the case after discovering some deficiencies in the manner in which the DUI investigation was conducted by the arresting officer. On the day of the hearing on the Motion to Suppress, the State Attorney's Office agreed to break the case down to a "reckless driving" charge. The client accepted a negotiated resolution and took a plea to reckless driving and avoided a DUI conviction.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


DUI /Violation of Probation

Broward Case #16-XX19MU10A, 14-XX208

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with DUI with a refusal while on probation for DUI. When he contacted our office he had just become aware that a no-bond capias had been issued by the court. The offer from the State Attorney was 6 months in County jail.

Outcome: After surrendering to the court, Attorney Antonio Quinn was able to obtain release on ROR for the client while the VOP case was pending. After successfully negotiating with the State Attorney's Office, Attorney Antonio Quinn was able to have the client reinstated on probation on the condition that he complete a 30 day residential substance abuse treatment program. After being arrested for DUI while on probation for DUI, the client never served any jail time.

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Not Guilty

Resisting a Police Officer Without Violence (obstruction)

Broward Case #16-XX557MM10A

Allegations: The client was arrested in his own living room after he allegedly failed to cooperate with a domestic violence investigation and was charged with resisting arrest without violence. 

Outcome: After successfully arguing to the court that the police did not have the right to enter his client's home, attorney Antonio Quinn won a not guilty verdict and the charges were dismissed.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped

Shoplifting (Petit Theft)

Broward Case #16-XX96MM20A

Allegations: The client who is currently pursuing a post graduate degree was arrested and charged with Petit Theft after allegedly concealing makeup in her purse at a local department store. Upon contacting the office she was very concerned that the arrest could affect her ability to pursue the profession of her choosing. 

Outcome: Upon completion of the misdemeanor diversion program, the criminal charges were dropped against the client leaving her criminal record clean and her free to pursue her professional goals without having to worry about disclosing a criminal conviction.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Domestic Violence (Aggravated Assault)

Broward Case #16-XX65CF10A

Allegations: The client was being charged with aggravated assault for allegedly holding a knife to her boyfriend's throat.

Outcome: After successfully negotiating with the filing attorney at the State Attorney's Office, Fort Lauderdale domestic violence attorney Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. was able to convince the office not to file formal charges in the case based upon the fact that the client had been defending herself.  The case was dismissed without the client ever having to see the inside of a courtroom.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Domestic Violence (Aggravated Battery)

Broward Case #16-XX98CF10A

Allegations: Following an altercation which occurred in the couple's home, the client was arrested for aggravated domestic battery (domestic battery by strangulation) of his fiancé.

Outcome: After discovering that the facts and circumstances were greatly exaggerated in the police report and that the alleged victim was not wishing to pursue a criminal case against his client, Broward County domestic violence defense attorney Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. was able to convince the State Attorney's Office to dismiss the case without the filing of formal charges.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Petit Theft (shoplifting)

Broward Case #14-XX97MM30A

Allegations: The client was arrested for shoplifting at a local supermarket chain. It was very important for the client to keep her criminal record clean as she was planning on attending graduate school in the near future.

Outcome: After successfully negotiating with the State Attorney's Office, Broward County criminal defense attorney Antonio Quinn was able to have the criminal charges dismissed on the condition that the client agreed to complete an anti-shoplifting class and remain arrest free for 3 months.  The client's criminal record was kept clean and she was free to pursue her future. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Drunk Driving (DUI)   (4th Time DUI)

Broward Case #15-XX224CF10A

Allegations: The client who was a retired professional was being charged with his 4th DUI. 

Outcome: Following negotiations with the prosecutor's office, Ft. Lauderdale DUI attorney Antonio D. Quinn was able to resolve the client's case by having the client agree to complete a six month alcohol treatment program as a condition of probation. The client was facing 5 years in state prison and did not spend a single day in jail.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Domestic Violence  (Domestic Battery)

Broward Case # 16-XX45MM10A

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with domestic battery when a passing motorist called the police to report that she witnessed the client and his wife arguing in a car. The witness claimed to have seen the client strike his wife.

Outcome: After successful negotiations with the filing attorney at the State Attorney's Office, Broward County domestic violence lawyer Antonio D. Quinn was able to have the charges dismissed without the client ever having been formally charged or having to appear in court.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Grand Theft Auto

Broward Case #15-XX08CF10A

Allegations: After purchasing a car that he saw for sale on the side of the road, the client was pulled over and arrested for grand theft auto due to the fact that the vehicle which he purchased had apparently been stolen from Key West.

Outcome: Broward County criminal defense attorney Antonio D. Quinn was able to make contact with the filing attorney at the State Attorney's Office and after explaining his client's position, attorney Quinn was able to convince the State Attorney's office to decline to file formal charges. The case was dismissed without the client ever having to step foot inside of a courtroom.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Possession of Cannabis

Broward Case # 15-XX72MM10A

Allegations: The client was pulled over by the police and following a search of his vehicle he was arrested for possession of cannabis.

Outcome: Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. filed a Motion to Suppress and was able to successfully argue to the trial judge that the stop of the client's vehicle was not legal, thus the cannabis was suppressed from trial and the charges against the client were dismissed by the State Attorney's Office.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


DUI (1st time DUI)

Broward Case # 15-XXX69MU10A

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with a DUI with a refusal. There was an allegation that the client purposely "played games" with the Intoxilyzer in an effort to avoid giving a valid breath sample. 

Outcome: Fort Lauderdale DUI defense lawyer Antonio D. Quinn, discovered that there was a problem with the machine that was used to test the clients breath and that 4 out of the last 7 drivers who were tested on the machine were charged with DUI after allegedly "playing games" with the machine. On the day of trial, the State Attorneys Office agreed to break the case down and the client plead no contest to a charge of Reckless Driving..

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped

Battery (stand your ground)

Broward Case # 07-XX27DL

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with Battery following an incident which occurred at the local high school. The client was charged with punching a student at the school where he was dropping off another student.

Outcome: When Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. demonstrated to the Court during trial that the client was in fact not the aggressor and that he was lawfully defending himself, the client was acquitted of all charges.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.



Broward Case# 14-XX84MM10A

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with trespassing following an incident which occurred in a local casino. The client was a college bound young person intent on entering college, so it was very important for him that his criminal record be kept clean.

Outcome: After Broward criminal defense lawyer Antonio D. Quinn appeared in court on behalf of the client, the case was transferred to a diversionary program and the charges were ultimately dismissed.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Burglary with a Battery  (1st degree felony)

Broward Case # 12-XX229CF10A

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with Battery with a Burglary following an incident which occurred late at night at a closed shopping center.

Outcome: After Broward County criminal attorney Antonio Quinn engaged in successful negotiations with the State Attorney's Office, the felony charge of Burglary with a Battery which is punishable by life in prison was dismissed and the client plead to a misdemeanor charge of battery for which he was placed on probation.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


DUI and 2 Counts of Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer

Palm Beach Case # 14MMXX90A

Allegations: When Quinn Law, P.A. was retained, the client currently was the subject of an outstanding warrant (capias) for missing court and she had forfeited the bond that she had posted for the case. It was alleged that the client became violent during a DUI investigation and struck two of the investigating officers for which she was charged with multiple felonies for allegedly committing a battery upon a law enforcement officer.

Outcome: After appearing in Palm Beach County court on behalf of the client, Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. was able to have the warrant cancelled and had the client's bond reinstated. Shortly thereafter, following negotiations with the State Attorney's Office, the felony charges were dismissed in exchange for a plea of no contest to misdemeanor DUI.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped

Petit Theft (retail theft)

Broward Case # 15-XX83MM10A

Allegations: The client who had no prior criminal was arrested for shoplifting at a local supermarket and charged with petit theft. 

Outcome: After Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney Antonio Quinn appeared in court on behalf of the client, the State agreed to drop the charges as long as the client agreed to complete an online anti-shoplifting class.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Domestic Violence  (domestic battery)

Broward Case #16-5088MM10A

Allegations: The client and his wife were both arrested for domestic violence following an altercation which occurred in the driveway of their home. 

Outcome: After successful negotiations with the filing attorney at the State Attorney's Office, Attorney Antonio Quinn was able to have the charges dismissed against his client without formal charges ever being filed and without his client ever having to appear in court.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Probation Terminated

Violation of Probation (VOP)

Broward Case #12-XXX88CF10A

Allegations: The client who was on probation for a third degree felony contacted Quinn Law, P.A. after he had absconded from probation upon learning that a warrant for violation of probation had been issued for him. The client had previously violated probation 4 times.

Outcome: After extensive negotiations with the State Attorney's office, the prosecutor agreed to terminate probation as long as the client paid full restitution to the victim and completed a 30 day custodial substance abuse program.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Probation Terminated

Violation of Probation (VOP)

Broward Case #09-XX96CF10A

Allegations: The client who had been on probation for Grand Theft for several years was facing a violation of probation for failing to pay court costs and restitution. The client was unable to find employment because the case kept appearing when employers performed a background check.

Outcome: Attorney Antonio D. Quinn was able to have the violation of probation resolved at the first court hearing and the State Attorney agreed to terminate the client's probation. Antonio Quinn the sealed the client's criminal record so that he would be able to find employment.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Domestic Violence  (Domestic Battery)

Broward Case #16-XX63MM10A

Allegations: The client was arrested and charged with domestic battery upon her husband following an incident which occurred at the couple's marital home. 

Outcome: After speaking with the client and investigating the case, attorney Antonio Quinn discovered that it was his client and not her husband who was the victim of domestic battery in the couple's home. After bringing the facts of the case to the attention of the prosecutor's office, attorney Quinn was able to have the case without the client ever having to see the inside of a courtroom.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped

Petit Theft (shoplifting)

Broward Case #140XX79MM30A

Allegations: The client (who had never been arrested before) was arrested at a local retail chain for shoplifting several items which totaled les than $300.

Outcome: After successful negotiations with the State Attorney's Office, the charges were dropped against the client in pending completion of an online anti-shoplifting course.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Petit Theft (shoplifting)

Broward Case #15-XXTC10A

Allegations: The client who was visiting the United States from another country was arrested for shoplifting at a retail chain.

Outcome: The client was concerned because she needed to resolve her case quickly but at the same time, it was important to for her to keep her record clean so that later travel to the United States was not restricted.  Following negotiations with the City Attorney, the case was dismissed without the client ever having to see the inside of a courtroom.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Charges Dropped

Domestic Violence  (Domestic Battery)

Broward Case #16-XX67MM10A

Allegations: The client was arrested following a fight with her daughter. The client was accused of striking her daughter and pulling her hair.

Outcome: The allegations in the case were completely false and when this fact was communicated to the filing attorney at the State Attorney's office, they agreed to drop the case without ever filing formal charges.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.


Grand Theft  (felony shoplifting)

Broward Case #14-XX44CF10A

Allegations: The client was arrested at a local department store and was accused of stealing over $300 worth of items which made the case a felon.

Outcome: Attorney Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. was able to have the charges dismissed without the client ever having to appear in court.

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